Eating Miami inside out!

Friday, February 22, 2008

ελληνικό φεστιβάλ - Greek Festival

Opa! Yes, it's the time of the year when the Greek festival takes the center stage in Miami (if you ignore the tourist-plagued, high-rolling, extravagantly expensive Food Network's South Beach Wine & Food Festival).

That being said... for us commoners out there who live, sleep, and eat in Miami for 24/7 throughout the year, it's the simpler festivals that can give us a lot of pleasure.

There's Greek food, wine and spirits, pastry & coffee, and even cooking demonstrations and wine tastings. I've participated in the cooking demonstration last year and I must say that I enjoyed making baklava in front of the audience! Of course, in order to participate, you must have the fastest hand-raising skills in the Wild West.

You can browse the festival's website to see what they have to offer, even for food. Link:

And yes, there's also other non-foodie related events, of course. There's raffle prizes (including a trip to Greece), children rides, Greek jewelry, arts & crafts. But really, I enjoyed more the learning experience I got from touring the gold-laden Byzantine Cathedral, listening to Greek music and watching the jolly Greeks, young and old, dancing and following their cultural traditions.

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral
2401 SW 3rd Ave. (Coral Way & 24th Rd.)
Miami, FL 33129

Friday, February 22, 2008 - Sunday, February 24, 2008
11 am to 11 pm

Adult Admission $5
Children under 12, free

Two blocks west of I-95 South, Exit #1

1 comment:

Sam Sotiropoulos said...

Sounds great! I may well be in Florida next year during the third week of February, so I'll be sure to keep this in mind. Thanks!

As for Greek food, you just might be interested in my own Greek food blog: Greek Food

Be Well,

Sam Sotiropoulos